About DCG Corplan

DCG Corplan Consulting LLC (DCG Corplan) is a national leader in economic development strategic planning, corporate site selection and location inteligence, and real estate development feasibility studies and market analysis. DCG Corplan's principals have counseled nearly 25% of the Fortune 500 corporations, assisted with more than 2,600 location decisions, as well as hundreds of assignments for public development agencies in the United States, Europe and the Caribbean.

The firm provides strategic guidance to public agencies with practical business attraction/retention programs and implementation. Public sector clients include regional, state, county and municipalities who seek economic development and diversification in specific industrial, commercial, trade, and tourism activities, as well as development entities who seek assistance on positioning surplus or underutilized facilities into positive cash flows.

For private sector assignments, the firm is dedicated to helping corporations or private investors improve their bottom-line results and capitalize on growth opportunities through geographic repositioning of their capacity. Corporate clients include major industrial and service companies for whom DCG Corplan provides guidance on expansion, consolidation, or reconfiguration of administrative, marketing, production, research, and distribution facilities, including: headquarters and field offices, manufacturing plants, data centers, laboratories, telemarketing centers, and warehouses.

The firm combines the talents of experienced professionals in the three practice areas: Economic Development, Corporate Site Selection, and Real Estate Development.

Firm History

DCG Corplan Consulting LLC
Result of Merger in 1997

Development Concepts Group (DCG)

Strategic Market Analysis
Real Estate Development Consulting
(Established 1985)

Corplan Inc. (Corplan)

Corporate Site Selection
Economic Development
(Established 1980)

DCG Corplan Consulting LLC

Economic Development
Corporate Site Selection
Real Estate Development
Trade and Distribution
Consultative Marketing
(Established 1997)

Leadership of the firm is traced back to the original Fantus Company of the mid-1950’s, whose area development and site selection practice is partly responsible for much of the southern tier of the United States economic prosperity today. Our late Managing Director of Location Services, L. Clinton Hoch, was personally responsible for relocation of over 50 major corporate headquarters from New York City to new locations worldwide.